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The FAA minimum requirements for private pilots under part 61 regulations are 40 hours of flight time, 10 of these hours as solo pilot in command (PIC), 3 hours of simulated instrument, 3 hours of night training, as well as requirements for cross country. Private pilots are required to hold a third class medical or higher. In addition to your flight training you will have to pass a written exam and a checkride. The checkride consists of an oral and practical exam. After passing your checkride you are presented with your Private Pilot Certificate. Once having the certificate, you will be able to act as PIC in a single-engine airplane under Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
Private Pilot Kit
Airplane 40hrs
Flight Instruction 20hrs
Ground Instruction 10hrs
*The above estimated is based on FAA part 61 minimum requirements. Hourly rates and prices are subject to change. (Total cost can vary as the total time needed to complete the rating varies based on each student)
ESTIMATED COST : $10,000-$13,000
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